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Helpful Adulting Books


I asked a handful of the most successful people I know, "What are some books you swear by?", these are the books. Of course, I threw in some of my favorites as well, each of which I have recommended to countless people, and rarely are they not raved about afterward.

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Broke Millennial - Stop Scraping By and Get Your Financial Life Together

A great starting point to learn the language and terminology used in many adult conversations and personal finance books. The bare bones of what to do when you get out of high school or college (or during hs/college if you're ahead of the game!) with your finances.

I've lent my copies of this out so many times and had to buy new copies when they begged to keep it.

on Amazon for only $6.49

Erin has expanded the Broke Millennial brand and published two more books and a workbook!


The Simple Path to Wealth - Your road map to financial independence and a rich, free life

I have this on my Kindle and a paper copy, and to this day I attribute most of my understanding of the stock market, the stock market crash of 2008, and much more to this book. JL Collins started writing to help his daughter understand money and share what he had learned throughout his life.

JL has a website that continues to grow in popularity; He shares digestible information about the current market and how to make the most of it.

on Amazon for $22.49


Quit Like A Millionaire - No Gimmicks, Luck, or Trust Fund Required

Once you get the basic language down and an understanding of the accounts that everyone should have (at some point, when they are ready), this book will take you to the next level. I can confidently say that reading this book will excite you into saving money, living your life, and getting out of that 9-5 faster. I pick this book back up and read it at least once a year to reignite my passion for financial freedom and sharing my experience with others.


The Psychology of Money - Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness

"You may think you don’t have enough money to make a difference for your future. I think this book will show you, how even with those thoughts, that you can." - Larry Frank

A beautifully written book on how your mind processes, understands, thinks about and manipulates the feelings associated with money.

Get really lucky and find it second-hand with notes and insights in the margins, highlighted sections, and more.


An oldy but a goody, truly.

Four different people that I asked (friends, mentors, family, experts, etc.] responded to my Inquiry with this book. It's been around a long time and shines light on trends in American money that anyone can learn from. Some say the best thing you can do is be prepared, and reading this will help you decipher and identify trends that have previously occurred in financial history within the US.


Non-finance-based front-runners


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